Tuesday, November 25, 2008

wedding recap: friday legalities

friday was a very very full day. it started with a trip down to the court house to make this whole thing legal! you see, the state of alabama does not recognize wayne as someone who can perform a legal wedding, but it was very important to us to have someone who realy knew us to perform the ceremony. we didn't want some random judge or minister, so we decided that we would get legally married the day before our ceremony.

i don't know how many people couples getting married usually take with them to the court house, but we had a crowd of 10 people plus us. danny's dad was, of course, in jean shorts and a heather gray t-shirt, my brother-in-law was on crutches, and there were about 4 cameras going around. our group felt that every moment had to be documented...including filling out the paperwork. :)

my sister was the first to burst into tears and demand a tissue during the legal ceremony. parents soon followed.

what would a wedding be without a reception? we headed across the street to sam & greg's to celebrate with some pizza and gelato. yum!

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

Ashley said...

this is so sweet! :)