Saturday, June 20, 2009

a wedding AND a baby

this time two weeks ago, my family and i were in southern california because my cousin, jennifer, was getting married! the big day was june 6th, and it was lovely...lots of love and lots of sunshine; both of which are clearly evident in the picture below.

the ever adorable john, nephew of the bride, served as flowerboy. there was some concern by his mom, stacey, that guests might think he was the flowergirl given his long, blonde, curly locks, but i think his tie (of course, removed as soon as he got to the end of the aisle) set the record straight.

the wedding location was small and intimate. we hung around there a while after the ceremony waiting for our family photos with the photog, so in the meantime we snapped a few of our own. my little brother and i almost have the same hair color in this picture. almost.

sometimes it scares me how much i look like my mom and that i never noticed it until a couple years ago. isn't she pretty? this bodes well for me (and danny).

immediately after taking the following picture of jen & lee and getting excited because i could tell how great the next pictures would be, my camera flashed a mean little red light at me telling me it had no power left. that's the problem with a camera battery that lasts forever; you forget to charge it at all.

danny was at the wedding too, by the way. unfortunately, he didn't make it on film the memory card before the camera cut off (my mom took some pictures, but she's kind of slow on the upload). we did manage one poor quality camera phone picture which i promptly made danny set as his iphone background (to make him that guy). shockingly, he hasn't removed it yet.

now, for the second half of the the title of this blog post: a baby. the beautiful family below is going to be welcoming a new baby in december! i am beyond excited. seriously. beyond. john's going to have a little brother or sister in a few months! have i mention that i was excited?

it was definitely a great weekend for our family - a wedding and a baby all in one weekend! congratulations and excitement all around!

seems that us girl cousins are grown ups weird.

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